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For this Activity my choices of web sites to compare and contrast are: “The Bakery”, “Gor Jess & Love Lee”, and “la Casita de Tom”. In comparison all these web sites have the same basic layout. For example, all web sites have their title at the center of the page at the top, creating a very basic look to the web site. All web sites navigations to each page are similar, as they all have a rectangle as their outline. And they all have some sort of way to contact them.
contrast, out of the three, “The Bakery” is the only one that highlights the pages navigation buttons when your mouse is on it. “La Casita de tom” is the only web site that in Spanish and with a interesting background. The other two websites only have a basic and plain background, which doesn’t appeal to the public. Although all the web sites have the same basic layout, the transitions from each page of each web site is different. “The Bakery” and “La Casita de Tom” both slide to the left, while “Gor Jess & Love Lee” slides the page down. Also, as you can see from the pictures below,each website has its own colour layout. 

Intro To HTML 5

Haley Wiebe

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