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Time- Lapse


Haley, Josh, Amanda


Time- Lapse


We will be filming in two locations. One will be at Haley’s house with the camera in the backyard. It will be set up so that the camera will be facing the sky and away from the house. So that you will​ be about to watch the sun set or rise (I haven’t decided yet). I also want to film this while it’s snowing or raining outside to add more of an effect. The camera angles will depend on which way the sun is rise/setting in. The camera will mainly be pointing to the sky. I will have to film for about an hour.​​​​​​

Amanda will be doing the same thing in her backyard, but instead of watching the sun rise/set. She will be angling the camera so that you will be able to watch cars drive by (obviously she lives on a busy street). She will be pointing the camera so that you can see the street clearly. Amanda will also be filming for an hour.​​​

Josh on the other hand will be the one that does the editing and adds sound to it all.

Haley Wiebe

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